How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, I compared several websites selling dolls and finally settled on this site because it is the most informative, many products have real photos. I got the package 14 days after I bought it and everything went smoothly. My husband and I got this as a funny gift for a friend and it ended up …

How would you rate the purchase with

Yes, BRAVO!!! The packaging is discreet. After negotiating with the merchant for a while, he finally gave me a big discount. I really like it when I get it. I am so happy to buy this cute and beautiful little hottie. Despite its small size it has a pair of proud breasts. Under the guidance … Product Review

Yes, great starter doll, right price, and perfect shape. This product is awesome for beginners, but if you’re a bit more experienced, the main hole might be too smooth. The backdoor is just fine, though. I really like this toy. It doesn’t smell. It’s very easy to clean. And most importantly it feels good. Overall …

Packer Dildo – Packer Dildo & Soft Wrapped Penis

[block id=”blogads”] packing dildo sex dolls for sale . Increase your bulge with our most popular super soft and STP (stand-up) packed dildo. Our realistic Softskin and Silicone Packer penises feel like the real deal and are perfect for cosplay, gender expression or just creating the bump of your dreams! In other countries around the …

Best Sucker Dildo (Top 7 Dildo Reviews w Strong…

[block id=”blogads”] From personal experience, I would recommend the Vixskin dildo if you want a great sucker that will hold up sex dolls for sale Not all of them have suction cups, but their models Maverick, Randy, Tex and Mustang have strong suction and some of the best dildo material available. In many cases, the … Product Review

Yes, my husband and I were really impressed with this toy! He’s had experience with other toys in the past, but this one is the best of them all. The product feels incredibly soft and solid in your hands, but for the best experience, you may need to use lube. Each of the two holes …